Showing posts with label OAF MODEL VIEW CONTROLLER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OAF MODEL VIEW CONTROLLER. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2014

About Model

                                                                OAF MODEL View controller

The entire Database related transactions in OAF pages will be taken care by the MODEL.
  • Model is where the application implements business logic.
  • Model will implement all the Data Base transactions.
  • Model component is implemented using BC4J where BC4J is Business Component for Java.
  • BC4J consists of three components:
      • Entity Object and Entity Associations
      • View Objects and View Links
      • Application Module
Model contains six components including BC4J components, additionally the other three components are:
      • Callable Statement
      • Prepare Statement
      • OADB Transactions
Callable statement is used to call a PL/SQL statements, Prepare statements are used if we are using single SELECT statement, and OADB transactions will take care of Oracle APPS related Data Base transactions.