Thursday, March 6, 2014

Differences between OAF and Oracle Forms

                                                  Differences between OAF and Oracle Forms

Let us discuss some differences between OAF pages and Oracle Forms.  The below table lists out the differences between OAF and Oracle Forms.

Oracle FORMS
OAF Follows MVC architecture and Client ServerArchitecture
Forms Follows only Client Server Architecture
OAF pages are light weight components
Forms are not light weight
OAF Pages can send through mobile devices
Cannot send to mobile devices
OAF Pages can connect in Oracle Apps Local Machine
Look and Feel is good
Not better when comparing to OAF
OAF pages are integrated with the Java Top
Forms are integrated with Application Top
Commit always takes place in the Application Module’s (AM) Java code. When a commit takes place, the data from OA Framework Cache is transferred to the database.
The COMMIT_FORM or DO_KEY(‘COMMIT_FORM’) commands can be invoked from any trigger that allows restricted procedures.
A page is divided into regions. Regions contain fields, buttons, tables, and other components.
A form is divided into blocks; blocks contain the fields, buttons, and other components.

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