Saturday, March 8, 2014

About Model

                                                                OAF MODEL View controller

The entire Database related transactions in OAF pages will be taken care by the MODEL.
  • Model is where the application implements business logic.
  • Model will implement all the Data Base transactions.
  • Model component is implemented using BC4J where BC4J is Business Component for Java.
  • BC4J consists of three components:
      • Entity Object and Entity Associations
      • View Objects and View Links
      • Application Module
Model contains six components including BC4J components, additionally the other three components are:
      • Callable Statement
      • Prepare Statement
      • OADB Transactions
Callable statement is used to call a PL/SQL statements, Prepare statements are used if we are using single SELECT statement, and OADB transactions will take care of Oracle APPS related Data Base transactions.


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