Saturday, March 8, 2014

View in OAF

View in OAF

  • View is the actual output OAF page what an end user can able to see.
  • In Oracle Apps Framework View is implemented using UIX technology, whereas UIX means User Interface XML.
  • Whenever we run the page in JDeveloper then automatically UIX will generate web.xml file.
  • The power of UIX is that allows metadata to be translated to an HTML page for a web browser or mobile device browsers.
  • The generated web.xml file will be converted into HTML format of OAF page.
  • Since web.xml file here will work as a cache memory.
  • Whenever we want to move the web.xml file into the server side then MDS repository is used to move the web.xml file into the server.
  • MDS stands for Meta Data Service and in the application top we will be having MDS folder.
  • When we deploy all the OAF page destination paths, regions then the files will be stored into the MDS tables.

The MDS table are like:

JDR_Paths:Stores the path of the documents, OA Framework pages and their parent child relationship.

JDR_Components:Stores components on documents and OA Framework pages.

JDR_Attributes:Stores attributes of components on documents and OA Framework pages.

JDR_ATTRIBUTES_TRANS:Stores translated attribute values of document components or OA framework pages.

JDR_DOCUMENT_ID_S:  This is a sequence generator table.

  • MDS can be managed using standard database procedures and tools.

Application Module in OAF

Application Module in OAF

  • It is very important component in the Model.
  • Every Oracle Application Framework (OAF) page should be attached to some Application Module.
  • It is the interface between the Client transactions and Data Base transactions.
  • All the application module objects end with AM.
Example: employeeAM

 Whenever we create AM one subclass will generate.

Application Module is of two types:

1) Root Application Module.
2) Nested Application Module.

If we are attaching AM to the Main Region of the page then it is called Root Application Module and if we are attaching to the child regions (or) nested regions then it is called Nested Application Module.

The below figure shows what is Main region and what are child regions in OAF page.

The View Objects containing in the Main Application Module can be used anywhere in the childregions or Nested Application Module.

If the View Objects are attached to the Nested Application Module then those view objects are applicable only to that particular nested region.