Controller in OAF
Controllers have three methods:
- Process Request (HTTP get).
- Process Form Request (HTTP post).
- Process Form Data.
HTTP get:This is used while loading the page.
HTTP post: After loading the page if we want changes.
Process Request: This method will handle HTTP get, for example while loading
the page displaying the default items.
Process Form Request: This method will handle HTTP post. After loading the page if
we want to perform any actions then we go for process form request. For
example, after clicking button going to another page.
Process Form Data: This page is invoked upon a browser ‘post’. During this
phase the framework will automatically applies changes back to the underlying
view objects. Rarely custom code is required in this phase. If exceptions are
thrown during this phase the phase is skipped and the page redisplays with the
error message.
There are two parameters in the
1) OAPageContext
2) OAWebBean
- To get and set values of the fields using the OAPageContext.getparatmeter and OAPageContext.putparameter.
- To call one page to another page OAPageContext.setforwardURL.
- To redirect the current page itself use OAPageContext.forwardImmediatelyToCurrentPage (or) OAPageContext.sendRedirect and many more.
- Each and every field we have properties and the properties define the behavior of item.
- OAWebBean represents the Hierarchy/Structure of the components in the page.
- WebBean represents the properties of item.
As we discussed what Model, View,
and Controller is, look at the below figure which shows that how they generally
interact with each other or how the data flow between them is.